Are you preparing for the 350-401 encor exam to get CCNP certified? The 350-401 exam encor exam aims to test your ability to configure, manage enterprise wireless or wired networks. In addition, you will also have to learn how to apply security theories to business networks and use solutions like SD-WAN and SD-Access to cover the network design of businesses. The majority topics of this exam are as the follows, including IPv4 and IPv6 architecture, virtualization, infrastructure, network assur
Most of you must have known that there are several differences made to the CCNP and CCIE certification exams. Candidates should take the same core exam and after passing the exam, they will be able to continue to take the concentration exam of their own focus areas. That is to say, candidates who want to obtain the CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure certification must pass the core exam, namely the 350-401 exam, and the CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure lab exam.
The CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure
The 350-501 SPCOR exam is the first step for candidates to get the CCNP Service Provider certification. If candidates can pass this exam, it means that they are able to configure, verify, troubleshoot and optimize service provider network infrastructure. Candidates can also deepen their understanding of service provider technologies, including core architecture, automation, services, networking security and assurance.
The 350-501 SPCOR exam contains 90 to 110 questions and candidates must g
In order to get the CCNP Service Provider certification, you must first pass the core exam — the 350-501 SPCOR exam. This exam is a 2-hour exam associated with the CCNP or CCIE Service Provider certification. Before you can take the real exam of the 350-501 SPCOR exam, you should have a complete understanding of implementing core service provider technologies, such as core architecture, automation, services, network security and assurance. The 350-501 SPCOR exam costs you USD 400 every time
What is known to us is that the CCNP Service Provider certification is a valuable certification which can help you achieve further development in the field of networking. To get the CCNP Service Provider certification, candidates must first pass the core exam, which is called the SPCOR 350-501 exam. Before the real exam, candidates have no enough experience to pass it. They often tend to ask experienced people who have passed the exam to have a primary understanding of it. As for most candidat