The CCNP 350-701 SCOR exam is the written exam of both CCIE and CCNP security certification exams. This exam focuses on testing candidates’ abilities to implement and operate core security technologies, including security infrastructure like network security, cloud security, endpoint protection, and so on. Candidates had better have a deep understanding of all major topics of the exam before the date of the real exam. It is an indispensable prerequisite to clear all topics to get such and ad
Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies v1.0, also abbreviated as the DCCOR 350-601, is a 2-hour exam related to the CCNP or CCIE Data Center certification. The exam focuses on testing candidates’ abilities to implement core data center technologies, including compute, security, storage network and so on. And those are also major topics contained in the real exam. However, other related topics could also appear on a specific delivery of the exam. In total, there are 10
The Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies v1.0, abbreviated as the SPCOR 350-501 exam, is a 2-hour exam related to the CCNP or CCIE Service Provider certification. This exam focuses on testing candidates’ abilities to implement and operate core service provider network technologies, such as core architecture, network services, assurance and security, automation and so on. The Cisco SPCOR 350-501 exam costs USD400 every time you take it.This certification exam is the same as other
The Cisco 350-401 exam is a 2-hour exam associated with the CCNP certification. This exam focuses on testing candidates’ abilities to implement core enterprise network technologies, including IPv4 and IPv6 architecture, virtualization, network assurance, security and so on. In order to obtain the CCNP certification, you must pass the Cisco 350-401 exam and then choose one concentration exam from 300-401 ENARSI, 300-415 ENSDWI, 300-420 ENSLD, 300-425 ENWLSD, 300-430 ENWLSI, or 300-435 ENAUTO.
The latest CCIE Security certification exam is updated to adapt to ever-changing technologies in the IT world. The core exam is the first step to the CCIE certification exam, which is both related to the CCIE and CCNP certifications. Candidates who pass the core exam can choose a concentration area of the CCIE certification to take the other one exam. If you want to be a technical expert in the field of network security and solutions, you can choose the CCIE Security lab exam.
The Cisco CCI