Implementing and Operating Cisco Data Center Core Technologies v1.0, also abbreviated as the DCCOR 350-601, is a 2-hour exam related to the CCNP or CCIE Data Center certification. The exam focuses on testing candidates’ abilities to implement core data center technologies, including compute, security, storage network and so on. And those are also major topics contained in the real exam. However, other related topics could also appear on a specific delivery of the exam. In total, there are 102 questions of drag & drop, multiple-choice and simulations in the real exam, which you should finish in 120 minutes. Try your best to pass it in your first attempt because it will cost you USD400 every time you take it. The same as other certification exams, the 350-601 DCCOR will be valid only for 3 years. Therefore, you must ensure that you will clear the whole exam within the given period. Otherwise, you will lose the qualification.
Salary and job opportunities.
Take the United States for an example, the annual average salary after getting certified can range from USD91,500 to USD134,000. And top professionals can even earn up to USD154,500 every year. And it indicates that there will be a higher salary and more job opportunities for you if you can get such a meaningful certification.
What can be expected in the real exam.
As mentioned above, candidates must well understand how to implement core data center technologies, including compute, network, storage network, security and automation. After passing the Cisco 350-601 exam, you will get the Cisco Certified Specialist-Data Center Core certification and you will be qualified for the CCNP or CCIE Data Center certification exam. If you are a network designer, administrator, engineer, manager or technical solutions architect, we suggest you prepare for those two certifications. Due to competitiveness in such a challenging society, you should get more certifications to prove yourself and at the same time have more advantages over others.
Study with Toponedumps Cisco 350-601 dumps.
Toponedumps provides you with the latest and updated 350-601 exam dumps, which will help you 100% pass the exam in your first try. With 100% guarantee passing rate, you will certainly be more confident and relaxed in the real exam. In addition, our excellent and professional tutor team will ensure that you master all important points of the 350-601 exam. Therefore, just study with our Cisco 350-601 dumps and then pass the exam with ease!
Studying with our dumps will help you gain the experience in implementing, securing and automating compute, network and storage infrastructure. You should schedule and exam 6 weeks ahead of time. After passing the Cisco 350-601 exam, you can take the lab exam to get certified. If you successfully clear both of those two exams, you will be eligible for professional job roles of data center technologies in companies and organizations. Therefore, get started right now!
Latest Cisco CCNP/CCIE Data Center Certification Exam Dumps
TOPONEDUMPS is a company with years of experience in IT certification training, specifically for Cisco,PMI,AWS,ISACA,Microsoft certification exam training. To possess the IT Certificate and higher salary with TOPONEDUMPS assistance.