Why not get the CCNP Service Provider SPCOR 350 501 pdf to better understand it
Why not get the CCNP Service Provider SPCOR 350-501 pdf to better understand it?
The CCNP Service Provider certification is a reputable certification that candidates who can get it have professional skills with service provider solutions. In order to get the certification, candidates must pass two different types of exams, including one core exam and the other one concentration exam. There are different types of concentration exams for those who have successfully pass the core exam and it all depends on yourself that you can choose one as your own technical focus in your career.
As is known to us, the core exam, which is also called the SPCOR 350-501 exam, is a 2-hour exam related to the CCNP Service Provider and CCIE Service Provider certification. It tends to test candidates’knowledge and skills of implementing core service provider technologies like core architecture, services, automation, security and so on. The main topics of the core exam are as follows. It mainly contains five topics, including Architecture, Networking, MPLS and Segment Routing, Services and Automation and Assurance. However, there may be other topics which will appear in the real exam. In order to better know the content of the exam, you can download the CCNP Service Provider SPCOR 350-501 pdf at Toponedumps to have a general understanding of the core exam.
If you can pass the SPCOR 350-501 exam at first, you will be qualified for the concentration exam. There are some choices for you to take into consideration. The SPRI 300-510 exam lasts for 90 minutes so that you have to manage your time well in the real exam. This exams focuses on testing candidates’ abilities to implement service provider advanced routing technologies like routing protocols, policy language and segment routing. The second one is the SPVI 300-515 exam. It is also a 90-minute exam, which focuses on candidates’ knowledge and skills of implementing service provider VPN services, such as Layer 2, 3 and IPv6. The third one is the SPAUTO 300-535 exam lasts for 90 minutes, which focuses on candidates’ knowledge and skills of implementing service provider automated solutions, including programming OS and concepts, orchestration and automation tools.
When opportunities are coming, you should grasp them. Grasping the chance is not enough, and you should prepare well for it. Now if you want to get the CCNP certification, you just need to prepare for it for at least 2 months. You can first download the CCNP Service Provider SPCOR 350-501 pdf to better understand the 350-501 exam and then design a personalized plan. You can trust us to make a complete plan for you. Since we have a professional team of teachers, our only goal is to help you pass the certification exam in your first attempt. We ensure that you will never regret choosing us. So contact us and get started immediately!
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