Toponedumps provides real CCIE EI lab exam workbook pdf for you to guarantee 100 pass
Toponedumps provides real CCIE EI lab exam workbook pdf for you to guarantee 100% pass!
Since February 4, 2020, Cisco have made a few changes to the CCIE exams. To get the CCIE certification, candidates should not only take the same qualification exam, but also take the lab exam. Candidates who choose to focus on CCIE enterprise infrastructure have to pass CCIE EI lab exam to get the certification. There is no denying that the CCIE EI lab exam is one of the most difficult Cisco exams.
Making good preparation for the CCIE EI lab exam will require that you devote much time, money and energy to it. Nevertheless, after passing it, you will benefit a lot. For example, with the quick development of society, you have to master a new skill which can ensure that you will never be unemployed despite any changes in the future. On the contrary, you will be more advantaged when seeking for a job. In addition, if you have got a job in an enterprise, obtaining the CCIE EI certification will help you achieve a senior position. After that, you will also enjoy a salary which may be about 20% to 25% higher than before. Therefore, if you want to 100% pass the CCIE EI exam, you can trust us confidently since we provide you with 100% real CCIE EI lab exam workbook pdf which can help you make adequate preparation for the exam.
In the brand-new CCIE EI lab exam, you will have to finish two modules. The first module is design based on scenario, lasting for 3 hours. The backward navigation is disabled and types of questions contain Drag&Drop, Dropdowns and MCQ’s. And the second module is to deploy, operate and optimize, which will last for 5 hours. The format of it is web-based or hands-on. The backward navigation will be enabled and types of questions contain Monitoring and CLI/GUI configuration.
Both of those two modules will contain two key scores, including a minimum score and a passing score. In order to pass the lab exam, you must get a score higher than the passing score of both two modules. And the score should also be higher than the minimum score of each module. But if you can not get a score higher than the total passing score of both two modules or the score is less than the minimum score of each module, you will fail the lab exam. If you are unlucky to fail the exam, you will receive a report which will explain which module you have passed or fail.
In conclusion, if you have passed the qualification exam, you are definitely lucky enough to grasp the chance for the lab exam. So why not choose us, Toponedumps? Toponedumps has CCIE EI lab exam workbook pdf which will ensure that you pass the lab exam more quickly. Join us to get it. And if you have something unclear, you can contact us in details.
TOPONEDUMPS is a company with years of experience in IT certification training, specifically for Cisco,PMI,AWS,ISACA,Microsoft certification exam training. To possess the IT Certificate and higher salary with TOPONEDUMPS assistance.