If you want to pass the CISA certification exam, we will introduce you more details about it. Fortunately, there are no restrictions on the application for the CISA certification. You have the qualification to apply for the exam, but you still need to get the qualification for the CISA certification after passing it. To be CISA certified, candidates must pass the CISA certification exam first. The exam covers five areas of work practice based on the latest CISA analysis. ISACA will hire well-known industry leaders, experts and industry practitioners to analyze and verify work practices. After the exam, candidates will receive a preliminary score report sent by ISACA within 10 working days. The score report received by candidates contains individual scores for each field. If candidates only pass the CISA certification exam, but fail to provide a confirmation certificate of 5 years of work experience in information system auditing, control, or security work, the test results can only be valid for five years. If candidates fail to meet those requirements within five years, the test results will be invalid. It should be noted that the relevant work experience must be obtained within ten years before the date of the application, or within five years since the date of passing the exam. However, those who have the same experience as listed below can also apply for the deduction according to the regulations, and the maximum amount of deduction is three years.
1. One-year experience of information system or non-information system auditing can be used to deduct one year of work experience.
2. If candidates have gained 60-120 university credits (equivalent to two or four years of university degree), one or two years of work experience can be deducted accordingly.
3. Obtaining a bachelor's or master's degree in a university offering ISACA model courses is worth 1 year of work experience.
4. A master's degree in information security or technology from an accredited university can be recognized as1 year of work experience.
5. Two years of work experience as a full-time university lecturer in related fields (such as computer science, accounting, information system audit, etc.) can be deducted from one year of work experience.
As the minimum requirement, candidates must have practical work experience for at least three years. This experience can be obtained in the following ways: three years of work experience in the field of information system auditing, control or security; two years of work experience in the field of information system audit, control or security plus one-year experience of non-information system or information system auditing or two years of experience as a full-time university lecturer.
Many people will choose to take the CISA certification exam before meeting requirements for the related working experience. It is acceptable and encouraging, but the CISA certification qualification will only be granted after all the requirements are met. In addition, candidates need to comply with ISACA's "Code of Professional Ethics", "Information System Audit Standards" adopted by ISACA and "Certified Information System Auditor Continuing Professional Education Policy " (CPE).
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