aws big data certification dumps.The AWS certification program fully validates the technical skills of cloud practitioners and enhances their expertise. At present, there are 11 tests of different levels, divided into Architecting(architecture), Developing] development) and Operations(operation and maintenance), including basic level, assistant level and expert level certification, which is suitable for practitioners of cloud computing, cloud computing architects, cloud computing developers, cloud computing operation and maintenance and experts in specific directions. The AWS Certified Solution Architect-Assistant exam prefers AWS architecture design, such as how to design elastic architecture, how to define performance architecture, how to specify security applications, how to design cost optimization architecture, how to define excellent operational architecture, how to understand good architecture framework, etc., and a detailed investigation of the AWS infrastructure of cloud practitioners.AWS Certified Solution Architect-Assistant Level exam is suitable for people with experience designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform. Before taking the exam, you should have at least one year of experience in AWS system design; practical experience with AWS services providing computing, networking, storage, and databases; the ability to define solutions using architectural design principles on customer requirements; the ability to provide guidance; the ability to determine which AWS services can meet a given technical requirements; understanding of the five pillars of a good architecture framework; knowledge of AWS global infrastructure (e. g., network technology used to connect them);
Exam Code: SAA-C02
Exam Duration: 130 Minutes, 65 Questions
Exam Topics:
Latest Update: 02.20,2025
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