A. ip route
B. ip route
C. ip route 254
D. ip route
Correct Answer: C
200-301 brain dump.3.1 "Do I already know this?" QuizThe chapter on troubleshooting in this book covers concepts from many other chapters and even includes some chapters from the Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 (100-101) Certification Exam Guide, along with answers to some of the more difficult questions on the CCNA exam, so readers should read these relevant chapters first, regardless of their current level of knowledge. Because of this, none of the troubleshooting chapters have a "Do I Know This Already?" quizzes. Of course, if you have a complete grasp of the LAN switching troubleshooting content in this book and the Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1(100-101) Certification Exam Guide, you can skip most of this chapter and read Section 3.3 directly.50 Chapter 3 Troubleshooting LAN Switching3.2 Basic Content3.2.1 General Troubleshooting MethodsTip: The general troubleshooting strategies and methods referred to here are a means to an end. It is not necessary to learn or remember these strategies and methods if the goal is to respond to an exam. Rather, these approaches can help to think more thoroughly about the test questions so that they can be answered more quickly and confidently. "Stretching the Sheath Sound Brick. Piece v-; return mmm lungWhen faced with a network problem that needs to be solved, everyone applies certain troubleshooting methods, either consciously or unconsciously. Some people have a habit of first examining the physical cables and the interface status of all physical links to determine if this might be the cause of the problem; others prefer to use the ping command to learn about the problem and then dig deeper into the details of the problem; still others even just go with their gut feeling until they find the cause of the problem. It is not possible to simply judge which of these methods is better or worse: I have tried all of them, and even used others, and each of them has had the potential to solve the problem successfully.Most people have developed their own habits and ways of working with network problems based on their own experience and abilities to solve them. However, whether you are learning to troubleshoot or learning how to resolve a problem, adopting a more systematic approach to troubleshooting can help increase the success rate of handling the problem. Below you will find a systematic troubleshooting approach that is designed to help with the network troubleshooting questions that you may encounter on the CCNA exam.This troubleshooting method is divided into 3 main steps and is usually used in the following order.Analyze/Predict Normal Operation: This step answers the question, What is going to happen in this network? This step describes and predicts the normal operation of the network based on the documentation, configuration, and output displayed by the show and debug commands.
A. ip route
B. ip route
C. ip route 254
D. ip route
Correct Answer: C
A. to analyze traffic and drop unauthorized traffic from the Internet
B. to transmit wireless traffic between hosts
C. to pass traffic between different networks
D. forward traffic within the same broadcast domain
Correct Answer: C
A. switchport mode trunk
B. switchport mode dynamic desirable
C. switchport mode dynamic auto
D. switchport nonegotiate
Correct Answer: B
A. transfers a backup configuration file from a server to a switch using a username and password
B. transfers files between file systems on a router
C. transfers a configuration files from a server to a router on a congested link
D. transfers IOS images from a server to a router for firmware upgrades
Correct Answer: D
A. different nonoverlapping channels
B. different overlapping channels
C. one overlapping channel
D. one nonoverlapping channel
Correct Answer: D
Exam Code: 200-301
Exam Duration: 120 minutes
Exam Topics:
Latest Update: 02.20,2025
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